1 Peter Inductive Bible Study Lesson 11



1 Peter 4:1-11

Assignment Questions

1 Peter 4:1, 2

    1. What does “therefore” add to the message of verse 1? Note the Greek can be translated, “Christ therefore having suffered in (the) flesh. …”

1 Peter

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    1. Christ suffered for us in the flesh in verse 1. Did Deity also suffer? See EGW on Col. 2:9 (7 SDABC 907).


    1. According to verse Ic what is the connection between suffering and sinlessness?


  1. In the context of 1 Peter, what kind of suffering results in the experience described in verse 2?

1 Peter 4:3-5

    1. Why are the righteous spoken evil of in v. 4?


  1. Who gives account to God in v. 5?

1 Peter 4:6

  1. In this verse for what purpose ,was the gospel preached?

1 Peter 4:7-11

  1. What is the relationship between the “gift” and the “grace” of v. 10?

Assignment Answers

1 Peter 4:1, 2

    1. In the phrase “Christ therefore having suffered in (the) flesh …” the therefore adds the reason Christ was willing to suffer in the flesh; the victories gained by the cross (3:22).

      Christ suffered according to 3:22 that God might be supreme. The goal of the cross was not merely for our salvation. The goal of the cross was the stabilizing of the universe. If everyone on earth chooses to be lost, the cross is still a success because it results in the justification of God and the forthcoming destruction of evil.


    1. “‘In him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily.’ Men need to understand that Deity suffered and sank under the agonies of Calvary. Yet Jesus Christ whom God gave for the ransom of the world purchased the church with His own blood. The Majesty of heaven was made to suffer at the hands of religious zealots, who claimed to be the most enlightened people upon the face of the earth (MS 153, 1898)” (7SDABC 907).


    1. To choose to follow God’s law, His expressed will, when such a choice results in you suffering, is to cease from sin— violating God’s law.

      The choice to serve God issue by issue means one ceases to sin; ceases to violate God’s law. But such a choice in First Peter is in the context of suffering for Heaven, the motive for which Christ suffered (3:22 & 4:1). Therefore the promise of grace which is the theme of Peter (see 1 Peter 5:12) is the source of ability for this recommended activity. The choice to serve God here brings the needed grace (see 1 Peter 1:10, 13).

      Without grace one can’t be remade. Notice how Ellen White parallels Peter.

      “But forgiveness of sins would be of no avail unless the course of transgression was abandoned, and the grace of Christ imparted to the sinner to renovate, purify, and ennoble him who had fallen by iniquity. This was the only way by which the sinner could be restored to divine favor, and trusted to come into co-partnership with Jesus Christ.” (3RH 445)

      “But if the word of God is made an abiding principle in our lives, everything with which we have to do, each word, each trivial act, will reveal that we are subject to Jesus Christ, that even our thoughts have been brought into captivity to him.” (3RH 461)


  1. The suffering of 3:14a and 2:19-21a, etc.

1 Peter 4:3-5

    1. Because the wicked don’t understand their conduct.


  1. Those of v. 4 who speak evil of those who live a life­ style out or harmony with the gentiles; those who here are not following the counsels of the gospel.

1 Peter 4:6

  1. The gospel is pe gospel is preached so that people can pass the judgment (v.5).

1 Peter 4:7-11

  1. The gift received is the result of God’s grace in the life.

    The evidence for this is a linguistic one; grace is chariots, while the gift is charisma. The ma is a result ending. The charisma is the result of the charis. Grace produces results, which results are gifts. (See for example Rom 5:15; 1 Cor. 7:7; 2 Tim 1:6; Rom 12:6.)
    Why a particular result of grace is produced in one life and a different result is seen in a

    different life is not clear to me. But it is probably because grace is “manifold” – Mrs. White’s word. Manifold, according to Webster means (1), marked by diversity or variety, (2) consisting of many diverse elements.

    Which grace functions in someone’s life is probably due to the issues they personally struggle with, the plan of God for their life, and the ability their heredity has given them, thus enabling them to make use of a particular gift.

    It is my opinion that for every need there is a corresponding grace. If this is true, what excuse will we be able to make if we are lost?

1 peter: intro | lesson 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13pdf download