Soul, Death, & Grace Prolepsis

Some reflections on the problems posted by the existence of death, and an inquisitive thought about where our research might be headed leads us to propose a preliminary outline for our study which will reflect phases of thought like the following:

Step 1: The concept of death in general as seen by a variety of writers, or, the matrix of our thoughts – past legacies to our problems under study.

Step 2: The survivor of death, or, the nature of man in death – two fold? Continuity or disruption from death to life, or, the soul – dead or alive?

Step 3: Grace – the destroyer of death’s effectiveness: an atmosphere of the soul, or, daily life as a determiner of death’s experience and meaning.

Step 4: A discursus: The sheep and goats judgment: The soul’s death confirmed or denied or, the “so what!”

Step 5: The post-death life – from whom, by what?, or, resurrection and reward, or, alive – with a dead soul?

Summary and Conclusions to our search for meaning – or, some will never die? – an original formulation.

Addendum – Theological and scriptural applications of our findings.

Soul, Death, & Grace

the back story | prolepsis | intro | chap 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | acknowledgments | bibliography