Soul, Death, & Grace Acknowledgements
Indebtedness is always present, but often hard to directly identify. In this case the opportunity to study at length by writing major research papers has made possible this work.
Those teachers who made opportunities for that work are, of course, due much credit, as are the instructors from an earlier period of study who helped in the acquiring of skills.
Of course the inspiration has come from sources that made possible the bigger thinking a research report requires.
In a work copyrights in 1971 by the President and Council of Radcliffe College titled Notable American Women 1607-1950. A Biographical Dictionary, C. C. Goen, in an article titled, “White, Ellen Gould Harmon,” writes about the primary author appearing in this research. That article includes the following data:
“Ellen G. White’s enormous literary corpus remains, by provision of her will, in the custody of the White Estate, housed at General Conference headquarters in Tacoma Park, MD. There are 54 books currently in print, some of them in as many as 83 languages; … There are in addition some 30,000 pages of letters, diaries, and other unpublished materials….” Edward T Jones, editor. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1971.
P.S.: A special thanks to all who helped resolve the special problems a work like this encounters.
Soul, Death, and Grace
the back story
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